A vibrant, bustling and creative city, Nottingham has a rich talent pool of talent and is one of the youngest cities in the UK. More than half of its residents are under 30 and when you factor in two local universities, you have a rich talent pool of ambitious young people, who can support growth strategies of start-ups and scale-ups in the region.
It is one of the UK’s six Science Cities, thanks to its innovative research and businesses in the field, and it is increasingly popular with healthtech startups too.
Nottingham leads the way in a number of industries including financial and business services, creative and digital, life sciences and advanced manufacturing, meaning that over 60% of the jobs in the city are in knowledge intensive industries, well above the UK average.
From gaming to fashion design, film and TV production to data analytics, Nottingham is a city with creativity and innovation at its heart. The city offers an array of opportunities for tech and creative start-ups that are looking to grow and scale with ease. Access to talent, an excellent business support ecosystem, collaborative business hubs, a vast array of meet ups and a tight knit community are some of the reasons why companies choose this city.