Insurtech Executive Recruitment

Insurtech Executive Search & Headhunting Experts

Our Insurtech executive search and recruitment service delivers C-Suite, VP & Director level candidates for senior appointments in Insurance Technology companies across the UK, EMEA and the US.
Insurtech is the use of technology innovations designed to make the insurance models more efficient and by using technology such as data analysis and Artificial Intelligence.

Insurtech allows products to be priced more competitively by collecting and analysing customer data from tech such as Smartphone apps, wearables & GPS data, to name a few, to provide a better service through claims processing, online policy handling and automated processing.

Much the way that Fintech has been to the banking world, Insurance technology has seen a thriving level of investment to revolutionise the insurance sector. This has seen a growing competitive field from using technology to get traction into a field, which has been traditionally a sector of large players, to now see start-ups moving into the insurance territory.

Search for Executives in Insurtech

Our Insurtech executive search firm uses an Executive Talent Acquisition & Retention (ETAR) System to recruit impactful hires and provide strategic advantage for Start Up, Scale Up, SME & Larger innovative technology companies, with a focus on growth and ambitious scale plans.
Our clients typically use our services for a range of C-Suite & VP roles such as CGO, CPO, CTO, CEO and more.

Our insurtech headhunters can help you identify and recruit the best candidates for your organisation with access to a deep pool of talented candidates, experience recruiting executives in the insurtech sector and a knowledge of the latest trends and developments in the insurance technology sector.

Discuss Your Insurtech Recruitment Needs

If you are looking for exceptional leadership talent, then come and discuss your executive search and recruitment needs, by calling +44 203 637 8350 email or book a Free 30-Minute Vacancy Intake Call and we can discuss how we can help you identify high impact leadership candidates.
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Our Executive Recruitment team serves Insurtech companies looking to hire c-suite executives in the UK, EMEA & US.

If you would like to connect with a top Executive Search Firm, please reach out to our Executive Recruitment agency to discover how we can help you.

Book A Vacancy Intake Call

Schedule a free, confidential, no-obligation discussion with our Search Director.

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Outline your executive hiring needs, and we will contact you.
Executive Recruitment Headhunter Services
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