Exeter is consistently attracting a greater number of digital tech firms that are establishing themselves in the city, alongside a surge in startup launches.
Whilst London, Manchester, and Birmingham exert their dominance in the tech job markets, the city is regarded as a prospective hub of tomorrow, earning a spot in the top 10 tech cluster locations due to emerging vacancies.
Exeter is undeniably capitalizing on its success as a hub of science and technology, with numerous data enterprises in the vicinity, along with start-ups, scale-ups, and SMEs driving growth in the city and broader region. The university is actively fostering both expansion and the availability of skilled professionals.
The city remains prominent in national surveys for its technological expansion. Having one of the world’s largest supercomputers, run by the Met Office, is helping to attract data-hungry tech firms.
Exeter and Plymouth, both in the South West, are experiencing rapid growth in their tech clusters.